IDS2_API_Reference > IDSDamageableISMC


Class Details

Defined in: Public/IDSDamageableISMC.h

Hierarchy: Object > ActorComponent > SceneComponent > PrimitiveComponent > MeshComponent > StaticMeshComponent > InstancedStaticMeshComponent > HierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent > FoliageInstancedStaticMeshComponent > IDSDamageableISMC


Damageable foliage class setup to be used with Instance Damage System plugin Can be used directly on foliage or added as a component to actors in blueprints bComponentReplicates has to be set to true for replication only if the component is spawned during runtime, otherwise replication is working on meshes placed in the levels only (for example through the UE foliage system)


TObjectPtr<UClass> PreloadedDestructible


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