Defined in: Public/IDSDeveloperSettings.h
Hierarchy: Object > DeveloperSettings > DeveloperSettingsBackedByCVars > IDSDeveloperSettings (Instance Damage)
Configure the Instance Damage plugin
TSoftClassPtr<UIDSSubsystem> | SubsystemtoInit | |
bool | RegisterSubsystemTick | Whether to register the subsystem's tick function by default |
TArray | DamageSetups | Data table that stores the systems's setup information for each asset |
bool | SupportNonSetupProxyClasses | Whether the system supports primitive classes as proxies that are not setup directly for it (like default ISM/HISM component classes). Works in singleplayer only The system checks on tick whether the proxies are alive or not. |
float | NonSetupProxiesUpdateRate | |
float | RemovalTimeInterval | How often to check for removal of the destructibles from the world Setting to < 0 will disable the check |
float | RemovalDistanceMultiplier | Global removal distance multiplier for all destructibles |
float | RespawnTimeInterval | Time interval at which destroyed instances will be respawned (as long as the player is out of range) Setting to < 0 will disable respawning |
float | RespawnDistanceMultiplier | Global instance respawn distance multiplier |
bool | RespawnUnstreamedProxiesOnly | Whether to respawn proxy instances that aren't alive only. Disabled on servers |
EIDSDestructibleNetworkingMode | NetworkingMode | Default networking mode for spawning destructibles. Can be overriden per damage setup |
float | ReplicatedServerDestructibleHiddenInstanceCheckInterval | How often to check whether we should hide a server replicated instance that was supposed to be hidden by server replicated destructible (but it wasn't eg. due to relevancy) |
float | ReplicatedServerDestructibleHiddenInstanceMaxAge | If a server destructible does not replicate to a client in this time we will force the instance to hide to keep instance visibility in sync with server |
double | DefaultHitForceThreshold | Default physics hit force needed to switch from proxies to destructibles |
TEnumAsByte<ECollisionChannel> | DestructibleProxyCollisionChannel | The collision channel used by destructible proxies |
int32 | DestructibleMaskFilterBit | This is used to make destruction objects ignore destructibles when sweeping against them Set to -1 to disable |
int32 | InstanceCustomDataLocalVisibilityIndex | The index in instanced meshes' custom data used to store instance visibility NumCustomDataFloats in the instanced mesh components should be bigger than this value |
int32 | InstanceCustomDataDamageIndex | The index in instanced meshes' custom data used to store instance damage NumCustomDataFloats in the instanced mesh components should be bigger than this value |
float | DestructibleTraceDistanceOffset | Whenever a proxy recieves point damage (from a line trace) we repeat the line trace on the spawned destructible at this offset from the initial proxy hit point |
float | DebugDistance | Max squared distance debug info will be drawn at |