Defined in: Public/TBM_Subsystem.h
Hierarchy: Object > Subsystem > WorldSubsystem > TickableWorldSubsystem > TBM_Subsystem (Tile Based Minimap Subsystem)
TBM Subsystem is the central managing point of the plugin - collects grid and blip data - manages blips (icons) which then map widgets use as source for adding blip widgets - keeps track of blip queries per player (used to filter displayed blips) - keeps track of registered grids (for dynamic grid switching) - shows/hides zones (used to highlight specific parts of the level on the map widgets) - keeps track of the blips that specific players use as GPS target
TMap | BlipInfo | Blip Info: Collected blip setup info |
float | BlipTransformInterpSpeed | Blip Transform Interp Speed: Blip transform interpolation speed. If <= 0 plugin's settings default value is used |
TMap | ClientBlipsTransforms | Client Blips Transforms: Replicated blip locations and UI rotations |
TMap | EffectsInfo | Effects Info: Collected blip effects info |
TArray | GPSGoals | GPSGoals: GPS Goals (Blips that the GPS widget should consider when calculating the route). If multiple goals are present then the closest one is picked by the system. Additionally bGoalOverride can be set to true to pick only that single goal (eg. if the player added a waypoint on their map). Only one Goal Override should be present at the time. A goal is automatically cleared once the blip is removedw |
TArray | GPSStaticPaths | GPSStatic Paths: Static paths to be drawn along the goals |
TMap | MinimapInfo | Minimap Info: Collected minimap(grid) info |
TSet | RegisteredGrids | Registered Grids: Currently registered grids (grids that map widgets can switch to) |
TMap | ShownZones | Shown Zones: List of zones that should be displayed on map widgets. Key is the zone indentifier tag. Value is a list of colors. Usually there is only one color tag present but there could be a situation where multiple color tags are in the container. In that case the objects that listen for the zones need to implement a priority system |